The price is assessed not to keep tempting the customer, moreover the role of the brand among the operators of catering is perceived in a different manner, according to its recognisability and to the price/quality/performance ratio. For these reasons, it's necessary to diffuse the important culture of the quality.
The services in tailored and value promoting offered by ManWell are oriented into the promotion of products and the distinctive features of the leading companies, thank to the work of qualified Technical-Commercial Chefs, devoted to evidence the added value of the concerned brands.
Besides, ManWell deals a practical support to the business development, to the diffusion and marketing of the products.
The role of a "Chef Promoter" is presenting, promoting and demonstrating the products of a brand with an exhaustive argument, training the final users and, in the end, addressing them up to the purchase. The gain in this activity is immediate and can be easily checked with the inclusion of the latest presented and merchandised products.
Depending on the strategy and the client's organisation, the activity of promoting can develop in many ways, trough these activities:
- supporting the trade-marketing
- independent promoting on specific areas, including the calls to the final client either with registration or the sample method.
- coaching trough technical and commercial support to many network of sales (direct or indirect ones, at any level), whether they’re on presale or on a promoting sale.
- introductions with demonstrations and tasting event wherever (cooking show, fairs, open days, in store, c+c, one-to-one and more)
- mini conventions and cooking schools (in hotels, meetings, at the wholesalers, fairs)
- transfer-order service